Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Myself: The Compiler

I live in the fabric of time, in a place spoken of in fairytales and that can only be found in dreams of the deepest sleep. I am neither alive nor dead; my very existence is sought out for study by federal organizations and criminals alike. But best of all, I have an untraceable IP address, what more could you ask for in this universe. Do you remember Aristotle, Gandhi anyone you can name from the dawn of time to the endless oblivion that succeeds it, I was there and I will always be there. But enough of me, there is another reason I’m here, back again from the history books, to discuss with you, loyal followers, an abnormality of our time; Dr. Shevek of the moon Anarres. With thousands of submissions daily, I myself read and select from these the very best and juiciest pieces, leaving you with real events of the story of the most sought out man of two worlds.
Where's Waldo? Can you find me here?

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